Cursed AI Facebook Group Moderator Fact Sheet

Wel­come to hell! As a new mod­er­a­tor for the Cursed AI Face­book Group, Any­thing you can do to help main­tain a pos­i­tive and respect­ful envi­ron­ment is very appre­ci­at­ed. Here’s a lit­tle guide to help you nav­i­gate our mod­ding process­es if you feel like jump­ing in:

  1. Get­ting Start­ed with Mod­er­a­tion:
    • Check out the group rules at the bot­tom of this page, they out­line the major­i­ty of mod­er­a­tion guide­lines.
    • Com­mon con­tent to remove includes off-top­ic posts, reposts, inap­pro­pri­ate mate­r­i­al such as explic­it or gory con­tent, polit­i­cal posts, rage­bait posts, and queries about apps.
    • Check “Mem­ber Report­ed Con­tent” and the Group’s post feed for any issues. Sort­ing posts by “new posts” is a good way to see the most recent stuff com­ing in.
    • Don’t stress if you can’t address every issue imme­di­ate­ly; oth­er mod­er­a­tors will assist as need­ed.
  2. Han­dling “Mem­ber Report­ed Con­tent”:
    • If a post is in “Mem­ber Report­ed Con­tent”, either leave it in the queue or delete it. ** Do not approve report­ed posts.** Face­book has pre­vi­ous­ly penal­ized our group for approv­ing ques­tion­able con­tent.
    • Avoid Approv­ing ANY mem­ber report­ed posts. Nev­er use the ‘Keep’ option
    • Only remove con­tent if deemed nec­es­sary. If unsure, dis­cuss with oth­er mod­er­a­tors. It’s okay if mem­ber report­ed con­tent is left in queue.
  3. Man­ag­ing Con­flicts and Hate Speech:
    • Rage­bait posts tend to turn into tox­ic cesspools. Shut down posts that gen­er­ate sig­nif­i­cant con­flict, either by turn­ing off com­ments or delet­ing the post.
    • At your dis­cre­tion you can sus­pend or ban tox­ic indi­vid­u­als who engage in hate speech. Sim­ply remov­ing their com­ments or posts won’t be suf­fi­cient; these indi­vid­u­als often per­sist.
    • Keep in mind that manda­to­ry post approval may be imposed by Face­book if the group incurs fur­ther penal­ties.
    • Some­times, rule-break­ing posts gain sig­nif­i­cant trac­tion before they are addressed. This often leads to a back­lash against the mod­er­a­tion team, but it’s part of main­tain­ing group stan­dards.
  4. Spam Posts:
    • Under the ‘Poten­tial Spam’ sec­tion, decline all posts.
  5. Pend­ing Posts:
    • Do not approve or allow posts under ‘Pend­ing Posts’ as they might con­tain unsafe con­tent flagged by Face­book.
  6. Activ­i­ty Log Check:
    • Use the ‘Activ­i­ty Log’ to track the lat­est mod­er­a­tion activ­i­ties.
    • Mod­er­at­ing new posts based on the time since the last mod­er­a­tion activ­i­ty is help­ful.

Thank you for help­ing to ensure that our com­mu­ni­ty remains a safe, respect­ful, and enjoy­able space for all mem­bers. Your con­tri­bu­tions are great­ly appre­ci­at­ed!